The time has come… In just a few weeks Snackson won’t be any more an ambitious project in the mind of its creators, it will be a reality.

We want this blog to be our link to all those professionals of lifelong learning, HR and of every educational field in general.

Our purpose is to uncover little by little Snackson’s functionalities, but also to be a communication and information channel, in which people can find relevant articles about how we learn in a time where immediacy, mobility and what is digital are the main protagonists.

It was precisely with these three core ideas in mind that Snackson was conceptualized:


It is said that it was in 2002 when the digital era started. It was precisely at this time that digital storage surpassed the total analog capacity of all the previous years. This fact constitutes an evidence of the great volume of content available on the net.

That is the reason why, currently, being critical and knowing how to properly select relevant information for our own purposes is essential.


We are surely not reporting any news if we say that nowadays rhythms of life are accelerated, waitings seem endless to us.

If we focus in teaching-learning processes, we will see that they are also being influenced by immediacy. Students are more and more used to access information and to obtain answers immediately. In different words, transcendental knowledge is that which has sense and application for them. Let’s have these ways to interact, access content, learn and communicate in mind!


Thanks to mobile devices and anytime and anywhere connectivity, technology has become our everyday context. Geographical and temporal barriers that stood in the way of connecting people with information have vanished. Boundaries between physical and digital environments are suppressed thanks to these devices, providing education with a new dimension characterized by diversification, immediacy and permanency.

Mobile phones revolution supposes a great change in the way we relate with our environment, how we interact, access information, socialize, collaborate, produce… and learn. These actions are not independent, they feed from each other in order to settle in.

Ubiquitous technology allows students to develop educative activities in any context, integrating their own social environment elements in learning.

Then, what is Snackson?

If you follow us in Twitter you may have already seen what it is about. Snackson is a SaaS (Software as a Service), what means that our tool is ready for its use, no needs for installations, server configurations, etc. That is to say, you can start using it immediately after contracting the service.

With Snackson you will be able to promote lifelong learning in your organization, having into account the factors that we previously mentioned. Combine different strategies as microlearning  or gamification in order to provide users with small learning objects that can be visualized and assimilated in a short period of time (2 – 3 minutes per day).

As previously stated, learning is not limited just to this. On the contrary, it is important to establish it as the foundation to continue building up from practice, from other related resources, in non-formal contexts…

To know more about microlearning…

We would like to use this piece of writing to invite you to participate in the LinkedIn group that Snackson has launched. On it, diverse professionals of the educational field share information and make debates about the potentiality, usefulness and applications of this learning strategy: microlearning.


One Comment

  1. Infographic on microlearning - Snackson

    […] Mobility & immediacy in the digital age. […]

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