Microcourse: Discovering dementia

Discovering dementia
Did you know that Spain is the third country in the world with the highest prevalence of dementia?
With this microcourse not only will you expand your theoretical knowledge, but you also will learn how to approach, treat and have better holistic care of people who suffer it, as well as their family and friends.
You will learn the most important aspects as: what is it, types, symptoms, treatments, curiosities and myths, among others. It is essential.
In addition, through the icons that appear at the bottom of the contents, you can access additional information that is available on the network, which will help you to expand the acquired knowledge and understand it better, as well as to consolidate your learning.
Languages: Spanish, Catalan & English.
Lenght: 2 hours
Distribution: 70 microcontents (18 questions)

If you are interested in receiving more information about our micro courses, you can contact us by calling +34 934 616 015, via email or using our form.