Microcourse: Orthotypography and other thoughts about language

 Microcurso: Ortotipografía y otras cosas de la lengua


Only a philologist or a language geek would dare to read the Nueva gramática de la lengua española (2009 – 2011) and the Ortografía de la lengua española (2010) manuals, they add up 4,832 pages of norms!

But they are not the only ones that can and must master the language. Good writing and expression skills are vital to communicate effectively.

Furthermore, the way in which we express ourselves is crucial to make a good impression. A text that rides roughshod over the language can give an unfortunate image of you.

In this microcourse you’ll find an answer to all those doubts we all have had at some point… is it one word or two? Should it be capitalized or not? How do you correctly use quotation marks? When are italics used?, etc.

You won’t have any reason to be jealous of the best writers!

Lasting: 2 hours
Distribution: 100 microcontents (30 questions)


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