
Mobile phones: weapons of mass creation

This is a translation from the original post written by Jordi Pizarro on   There are 2 ways we can see mobile phones: as weapons of mass distraction or as weapons of mass creation. This isn’t just my opinion, these … Read More

What do Think With Google and Snackson have in common?

What do Think With Google and Snackson have in common? As you are reading, it turns out that Snackson shares the concept of Micro-Moments with the marketing team at Google, Think with Google. A concept that was born from the fast-paced lifestyle … Read More

4 formas de utilizar el microlearning en el entorno universitario

4 Ways Microlearning can be Used in the University Environment

The University Environment has experienced many changes to the learning process with the rapid evolution of technology over the last few decades. These days the library serves the same purpose as a coffee shop: just a quiet place to study. … Read More